Your property manager has conducted a technical inspection of your accommodation.

SGS performs a technical inspection of all accomondations before a new tenant move in. During the inspection your property manager check the condition of the apartment/room and if the previous tenant or SGS needs to address any potential damages. Please read through the report when moving in - you'll find it on My pages under "My agreement".


How do I read the inspection report?

In the column “Utlåtande” there are six options. What do these mean?


Godkänd - Approved

Without remark.


Godkänd med anmärkning - Approved with remark

This is a note of minor cosmetic defects and will not be fixed.


Åtgärdas av SGS - To be fixed by SGS

The fault/defect will be fixed by SGS after you move in. Your property manager will contact you to arrange a time for the visit.


Åtgärdas av SGS och debiteras - To be fixed by SGS and charged

The tenant has caused the fault/defect and it will be fixed by SGS after you move in. Your property manager will contact you to arrange a time for the visit.


Åtgärdas av HG eller debiteras - To be fixed by tenant or charged

The fault/defect must be fixed by the vacanting tenant before moving out. If the fault/defect is not fixed when you move in please notify us through a fault report on My Pages. If you don't notify us regarding this you need to fix the same fault/defect when you move out.


Åtgärdas av extern fastighetsägare - To be fixed by external property owner

The fault/defect will be fixed by the external property owner after the new tenant has moved in. This applies where SGS rents the apartment from another owner. Your property manager will contact you to arrange a time for the visit.